Sunday, November 29, 2020

Book Review: T h a r o o r o s a u r u s! by Dr. Shashi Tharoor

About the Author: 

Dr. Shsashi Tharoor, was born on 9th March,1956 in London and raised in India. He did his early schooling from Bombay, Kolkata and then graduated from St. Stephen's College in New Delhi. He  competed his doctoral studies in International Relations and Affairs from Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy, Tufts University, Massachusetts, United States; his age then was only 22! 

Dr. Tharoor then joined United Nations and rose to the rank of Under Secretary General for Communications and Public Affairs in 2001. He quit UN in 2006 after finishing 2nd to the selection for Secretary General. He began his political career with Indian National Congress in 2009 and successfully represented the party from Thiruvanthapuram. He served as Minister of External Affairs & Minister of Human Resource Development under UPA, Government. 

Dr. Tharoor, is a role model when it comes to reading. He has been reading from his early childhood voraciously and has phenomenal command over the English language. He is quite eloquent.  The elite English he uses in his writing is a treat to eyes while one is reading what he has written; at most times demanding one, eagerly, a dictionary. It is because the words he uses are quite natural to him but for most, unknown. His most loved word; r e a d. His advice to those who want to improve the knowledge of their English as also widening one's thinking is: read, read and read. 

Dr Tharoor is a historian and has written some best selling books; just to name a few - The Great Indian Novel, India From Midnight to Millennium, An Era of Darkness: The British in India & The Paradoxical Prime Minister. He is a recipient of many literary awards too; he has won the Ramnath Goenka Award for Excellence in Journalism. 

Dr. Tharoor uses words that are interesting but not commonly known. On a taxi ride to the famed Jaipur Literary Festival; while he was chatting with his co-passenger Ms Meru Gokhale, Editor in Chief of Literary publishing at Penguin Random House India; she pitched him in to write a book that would enlighten the readers; with a title which would be a combination of 'tyrannosaurus & thesaurus'. He had just laughed it off then. On reflecting later, he found it worthwhile and thus resulted   'Tharoorosaurus' .

The Book:

Word Feast:     Entertaining,  Enlightening  & Educating.

The book is an imprint of Penguin Random House printed on  FSC paper. The font and its size is appealing to reader and comes easy to the eyes. 

It runs over 300 pages explaining the meaning, and the origin of the words in a typical Dr. Tharoor's engrossing style. The anecdotal incidents make the reading a joy. 

The illustrations by Mr. Mihir Joglekar are a treat too. And one really gets enriched by the research supplemented by Prof. Sheeba Thattil, which is reflected in each word, making it more interesting.

The book has a total of 53 words. It starts with Agathokakological and ends with Zugzwang.  

One needs to have real love for reading to enjoy the book. And a casual reader may become a voracious one. Sounds paraprosdokian. 😊

My favourite words out of the 53 contained in the book are: 

Panglossian (overtly optimistic), 

Floccinaucinihilipilification (the act of something or someone as worthless), 

Epicaricacy (deriving pleasure from the misfortune of others)- the opposite of Sanskrit word Mudit - which means being truly pleased at the success of others, 

Kakistocracy (typically of governments run by  least qualified or most unprincipled individuals), & 

Agathokakological (consisting of both good and evil).

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the book and took time deliberately to savour it. It serves as a reference and I would return to it from time to time for the sheer pleasure of reading it offers. It has created in me a fresh urge to read, read and read. 

I am quite sure that over a period of time it would attract more non serious readers to get into the habit of reading and enjoying it as also to excel in their respective careers and becoming a more informed and humble human being. Reading makes one more human as it educates one on the various aspects of life and encourages one to relate to the human kind in particular. So much wanting; the human behaviour.

I entreat one and all to just go for it and especially the younger lot studying in school, colleges, universities to take time off from the various other social media distractions; primarily to be a better and successful rich person who is human! Keep hooked to social media but give due respect and attention to the age old print media in the form of good books; for the pleasure and well being.

Please do take care and look after yourself well. Provide nutrition to mind with Good Books Reading and keep safe, eat and sleep well. Namaskar!

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Book Review: T h a r o o r o s a u r u s! by Dr. Shashi Tharoor

About the Author:  Dr. Shsashi Tharoor, was born on 9th March,1956 in London and raised in India. He did his early schooling from Bombay, Ko...